The holidays are a fun time to be in the kitchen with the kids. They get to create something festive and then share it with family and friends. It is also a sneaky way to get them to practice some math over winter break. I like to make it a time to teach them some kitchen skills because the more they know, the more helpful they can be in the future!
Baking is . . . math
Baking is all about exact measurements. Confession: I don’t always let my kids do the measuring and when I do, it’s not every ingredient. It takes longer. But I do like when the kids measure things because it forces them to use some math and helps them to understand concepts a little better. I also think it’s great for them to learn what’s in some of the treats they eat. All steps in helping them become great chefs one day.
Division of labor
I try to have certain tasks for everyone to do so that the workload is even. Learning to share the tasks is good, but it also ensures both kids eventually learn all the skills. And it’s always so cute when they brag about what part they played in it.
Hurry up and wait
The most difficult part about all of this is the patience it takes to wait for the finished product to come out of the oven. In culinary school, the instructors used to call it “hurry up and wait.” But the kids check on it and watch it change and are very eager to taste test when it is done. That has taught me to make sure I have them help me with something that can be eaten right away. I once had them help me make a pie that took two days from start to finish. That did NOT go over well during those two days!
Get creative
I like to decorate cut out cookies to gift during the holidays. It is a process that takes me a few days to complete. The kids watch me and give design input all the time. When I am done, I save them some of their own “blank canvas” cookies to decorate however they choose. It really is great to see their creativity come through. And they’re getting better and better at the designing and techniques each year. It is definitely worth the effort when you see the fun they have and the skills they pick up. Hopefully the time they spend in the kitchen will make great memories for them.