Winter Break Activities: Family Game Time

Everyone seems to either give or receive games for Christmas.  Especially if you have kids in your house, there are always games around.  And the types of games that are available now are endless.  There is something for everyone!

And when the kids are home for winter break, and family and friends are in town, it's the perfect time to enjoy each other's company and play a game. We all spend so much time on devices and in front of screens. Putting the phones down and turning off the tv to sit around and play a game is a great alternative.

The benefits of sitting down to play games together are endless. Some games encourage shy kids to come out of their shell. There are games that teach kids skills and strategy. And of course, there are games that are just pure fun and good for some laughs. There are games that are quick and easy, and ones that could go on for days with elaborate rules and set ups. We once had a game of Monopoly go on for weeks (we just took pictures of the board and bundled up each player's assets).

Regardless of which game type you select, all that matters is that in the end, everyone bonded and had fun.  The connections made playing games are certainly better than the connections made on the phone.  

Some of our favorites

  1. Monopoly
  2. Blokus
  3. Uno
  4. Disney Pictopia
  5. Pictionary
  6. Sorry
  7. Goosebumps
  8. Jenga
  9. Scrabble
  10. Floor is lava
  11. Clue Jr
  12. Headbanz
  13. Connect 4

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